Which are you: “Be-er” or “Do-er” [Part 1]

Conversation with Jessica Eley

Amanda McKinney
6 min readMay 24, 2021
Which are you: “Be-er” or “Do-er” [Part 1] with Jessica Eley

“You can be successful in either camp and both camps have pitfalls. The clarity will come from taking imperfect action. You can’t just meditate your way to understanding how it is you want to build your business. The actions that you’re going to take need to be for and about your own self-awareness and understanding how it is you build momentum.” — Jessica Eley

Do you take action quickly or do you need to think about it for a while before you move?

This is just one question that will help you understand if you’re a “Be-er” or a “Do-er”. This concept is from my guest, Jessica Eley, and it’s powerful.

Jessica is a mindset mentor for high achieving entrepreneurs who are ready to create the money and success of their own definition. And she has a concept of “there are two types of people in this world.”

This concept of “be-ers” and “do-ers” that really caught my attention because as a coach for yoga teachers, I realized that I might not be coaching my students in the best way. So I wanted to learn more from her on this so I could be better for you.

So, are you a “be-er” or a “do-er”? Knowing the answer to this question will help you grow your business in a way that serves you and your students. Let’s jump in!

What is a “Be-er”

“Be-ers” are great at seeing their success!

For be-ers, growth has to happen first before anything else. Their self-perception or identity has to change before they take action.

For example, they need to see themselves as someone who could sell a thing, reach a certain income goal, run a business a certain way, or try a new approach or tactic.

Once that’s locked into place, there’s nothing left standing in their way — and they can fly! Nothing can stop them. But there’s a lot of lead up and build up to that point that has to happen for them.

Basically, be-ers have to focus on what they believe about themselves and get that squared away, and then they are free to go get whatever they want!

What is a “Do-er”

Do-ers are great at taking action!

Do-ers need to get a result FIRST.

They need to use some willpower, go do the thing, see that they can make something happen (reach an income goal, sell something, try a new approach, or achieve what they want for themselves) and then based on that result, they are able to see themselves differently.

Basically, do-ers have to take action first and create a result. How they see themselves changes on the backend!

How to know which type you are in your yoga business

Does this sound familiar?

  • You think: “Why can’t I get myself to do this?” (Whether it’s content creation, sending weekly emails, starting a new class, etc)
  • You need to look before you leap and really think about it before taking action.

If that is you, then you’re probably a “be-er!”

Or is does this resonate more?

  • You take action quickly!
  • You’re willing to follow a formula.
  • You can use your willpower and do the thing.

If that is you, then you’re probably a “do-er!”

“You can be successful in either camp and both camps have pitfalls. The clarity will come from taking imperfect action. You can’t just meditate your way to understanding how it is you want to build your business. The actions that you’re going to take need to be for and about your own self-awareness and understanding how it is you build momentum.” — Jessica Eley

How to take action as a “Be-er”

There’s nothing more important for a “be-er” than self-awareness of what makes you work.

What gets you motivated? What builds your confidence? What are you willing to do? Don’t worry that you don’t have the kind of willpower that a do-er does. You have your own strengths.

Write out every excuse that you have — and then down the list and solve them.

A couple of examples:

If you’re afraid of charging too much, ask yourself:

  • Do you need to charge less?
  • Do you need to gather more testimonials?
  • Do you need to go try it with a group of friends yet?

If you’re not convinced you can stick to a schedule for content creation, ask yourself:

  • Do you need to hire an assistant to help me?
  • Can I put some kind of system into place to make it easier?

Ask yourself: How can I? How would I be willing to do this?

Willingness is everything for a be-er. If you’re not willing to go post daily on Instagram , maybe don’t lean on that strategy. If you’re not willing to cold call 20 people, then go a different direction.

What is the path you want to take?

“If you’re not willing, don’t push it. Find what you ARE willing to do, and then use that to create momentum.” — Jessica Eley

How to reflect and trust results as a “Do-er”

When you accomplish something, make sure you take the time to reflect.

Anytime you create a result for yourself, it is key that you sit down and actually take stock of everything you just did. What are all the building blocks that enabled you to take these small actions that helped you get this big result?

“Do-ers don’t tend to recognize what they do! There’s something ironic about that.” — Jessica Eley

Write it down: Who did you have to become? What did you have to do in order for all of this to be possible?

What’s important for a do-er is to notice that the things that enabled you to take action and get a result are not going away! You’re not going to unlearn the things that you did. Even if you need to pivot, or it needs to look different, or you need to completely reinvent the wheel, all the skills, abilities, and willingness that you have to take action haven’t gone away.

“Even if you’re never able to create a result in the same way again, you’re still you. You’re still taking you to the next challenge. That’s the important thing for do-ers.” — Jessica Eley

Your next step

Your next step for this week is to declare what you are and how you can use this to your advantage in your business.

  • Are you a “do-er” who’s great at taking action?
  • Or are you a “be-er” who’s great at seeing your success?

Journal about this in the coming days to really tap into your strengths as a “be-er” or a “do-er”. Both are awesome and gifted in different ways. It’s all about tapping into these strengths.

Until next time, give yourself permission to be a be-er or a do-er and grace along the way.

About Jessica

Jessica is a mindset mentor for high-achieving entrepreneurs who are ready to create the money and success of their own definition. She empowers them to embrace gigantic leaps in their businesses by uncovering how each person is uniquely wired to grow and achieve. Her high-touch approach enables brilliant people to experience their full potential. Jessica loves food, football, and her four kids (not in that order!).

Jessica’s Links

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About Amanda McKinney (Marketing Coach for Yoga Teachers)

Amanda McKinney is a Marketing Coach with a passion for helping yoga teachers find the tools and the confidence within themselves to build the yoga business of their dreams. She does this through her podcast: Marketing Yoga With Confidence and online offerings. All of which focuses on building confidence and community with an extra dose of encouragement every step of the way.



Amanda McKinney

Amanda McKinney is a Marketing Coach with a passion for empowering yoga teachers to earn more money doing what they love. Marketing Yoga with Confidence